Acroyoga, Acrobatics, Movement & Mindfulness

What to expect
Come and celebrate with us a weekend full of Acroyoga, Acrobatics, Community, Movement & Mindfulness. The festival will happen in the heart of Germany at the former castle Sensenstein from 11. – 13. of March 2022.
Our international teacher team will offer a wide range of Workshops during the days, there will be Washingmachines and Flows, Icarian, Whips & Pops, Standing Acro, Same-Size-Flying and Handstands. Three Workshops are running simultaneously for all Levels from beginner, intermediate to advanced.
Besides the Extra Program, there will be plenty of time for free Jamming. The gym is open until midnight, so we can share our practice and knowledge and have fun in a big community. Extra: During the Jams our teachers will offer a „Fix your trick“ and a H2H-Lab. Longes are provided, if you’re working on advanced tricks.
Extra Program
In the mornings you can choose between Meditation and Yoga – or do both! We wanna offer time & space for (self-)reflection, so there will also be guided Meditations in the late evening before sleeping. Listen to your inner voice & come back to yourself in our Cacao-ceremonies or exchange with others during the Women-Circle. In the „Healing-Lodge“ you can also meditate by yourself, have a Thaimassage or just relax.
Bonus: the Swimming-pool will be open all day & evening during the festival. And the water is deep enough not only to swim & float, but also to have some Acro-fun! In the evenings you can use the Sauna to relax your body & calm down.

You would like to have some really nice Acro-pics? We’ll take fotos during the festival anyway, but there will be also a photographer, who offers special Fotoshootings for Acro-Duos, groups or single persons. There will be a list to join and a special price, that you can pay to the photographer directly. For this option you will receive more information after the registration.
The Festival is happening in Sensenstein, in the heart of Germany, in the middle of the Kaufunger Forest. The venue is just 20 km from Kassel and right at the Autobahn A7. The complex, where the former castle Sensenstein was located, is today a modern and well equipped sports facility.
We can use a gym with 3 fields, 45 x 27 meters. 1/3 of the gym can be filled with Judo-mats. There are also some big soft-mats and a longe. For our Yoga, Thaimassage, Cacao-Ceremonies or other offers we can use the bright and friendly Seminar-rooms of the house.
Looking for some wellness? In the 12 x 8 meter Swimming-Pool there are some underwater massage-jets. Right next to the Swimming-pool you’ll find the Sauna with its relaxation area in- and outdoor and the Kneipp-Pool. The Location around the house is surrounded by beautiful nature and forests: if you wanna go for a walk, enjoy the forest or find a nice spot for a Fotoshooting.